Landmark Registration in different version

Operating system: win10
Slicer version: 4.10.2 and 4.11.0
Expected behavior: try to use Landmark Registration and “create and place” in the same version

Actual behavior:
I would like to use Landmark Registration and the “create and place” in the same version!

The “line” and " angle" in “create and place” are new functions which are only could found in ver. 4.11.0, but there is no Landmark Registration module in ver. 4.11.0. I used Landmark Registration module in old ver. 4.10.2, but there is no “create and place” in old ver. 4.10.2.

Because there is always some problem if I transfer data from one version to the other, therefore I don’t like to do that. I would like to use this two function in the same version.

Could you give me some advice to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot.

Landmark registration module will soon be re-enabled in Slicer-4.11. You can track the progress here: