Linear transformation problem


I’m trying to apply linear transformations to my robot links, but whenever I save the entire scene and reopen it, the area that specifies which links are transformed disappears shown in the image.

I’m current in the base_link transformation, but the base_link doesn’t appear in the “Transformed” box. I can still translate and rotate the base_link, but it just doesn’t appear in the transformed box. Is this an issue or can I neglect it.


Thanks for reporting this. Could you share a saved scene (.mrb) file that reproduces this problem?

Hi Andras,

This is the link to abb scene. I’ve uploaded it to onedrive.

I open the scene up using the (.mrml) file, I’m unsure of where the (.mrb) file is.!AsyU2pv-0QIdjRdA5cQ7mhii2QwW?e=drR5Ii

I think I’ve fixed the issue by just restarting the 3D slicer software each time I load up a new scene, but unsure how long this method will last.