Liver blood vessel segmentation

Hello everyone,

In my work, I need to segment the liver blood vessel. For some time, I used the “liver vessel” task in total segmentator in version 5.4 when it was still using TotalsegmentatorV1. This task is no longer supported and it also has some limitations.

  • It only works on CT scan, not MRI
  • It only works on human liver (I would also need porcine liver)

However, blood vessel segmentation seems like a task that could be done without AI.
So my question is :
Is there a known method to segment liver blood vessel in human for CT and/or MRI ?
Do you think that this method will work well in porcine liver?

I found several scientific paper but I don’t know wich one I should follow :sweat_smile:
Any guidance is welcomed

If you haven’t already, have a look at the SlicerRVXLiverSegmentation extension that is dedicated to liver segmentation.

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Thank you for your quick answer :slight_smile:
I looked at it but it needs the user to manually place point for the blood vessel segmentation. This is exactly what I’m trying to avoid.
I’m looking for a fully automated way to segment the blood vessel. Also I don’t know if this is relevant but I don’t need the blood vessel tree, I just want to know wich voxel are blood vessel and wich are liver parenchyma.