"Liver vessel" task

One month ago (13th of november) I used totalsegmentator to segment the blood vessel of a liver

From memory, the task was called “liver vessel” on the slicer interface
However, I can’t find that task anymore. I have updated totalsegmentator since and maybe the task was removed/fused with another task.
If somebody know how to get resuls similar to the picture it would be very helpful :slight_smile:

Hello again,

I found the cause of the issue.
I have the “liver vessel” task on SLicer 5.4 but not on slicer 5.6
I don’t know if this is because I messed up something with my installation or if this is normal

5.6 uses Totalsegmentator V2, where liver vessels seem to no longer be supported. Maybe @wasserth can comment on the latest status.

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I did not have time yet to retrain the liver vessels on nnunet v2. Therefore they are missing in TotalSegmentator v2 so far.