Local threshold : mouse cursor is never restored

‘Local threshold’ segment editor effect outputs the following in Python console :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/programs/Slicer/bin/../lib/Slicer-5.1/qt-scripted-modules/SegmentEditorLocalThresholdLib/SegmentEditorEffect.py", line 242, in processInteractionEvents
  File "/home/user/programs/Slicer/bin/../lib/Slicer-5.1/qt-scripted-modules/SegmentEditorLocalThresholdLib/SegmentEditorEffect.py", line 481, in apply
AttributeError: 'vtkSlicerSegmentationsModuleMRML.vtkMRMLSegmentEdi' object has no attribute 'SetMasterVolumeIntensityMask'

It seems ‘SetMasterVolumeIntensityMask’ has been removed or renamed. The segmentation completes, but the mouse cursor is never restored.

FYI, hoping for a fix.

Thank you.

Thank you, good catch, that’s due that we missed adding a backward-compatibility method when we changed master to source for DEI reasons in Slicer-5.1. I’ve fixed it now, so the latest Slicer Preview Release (Slicer-5.1) will work well from tomorrow.