Looking to install virtual reality extension on slicer 4.9.0

Operating system:Windows 10

Slicer version: 4.9.0

Expected behavior: Install virtual reality extension either through extension manager or manually from file

Actual behavior: VR extension is missing in the extension manager ,
I found the extension on github but slicer refuses to install it “from file” - Gives error “No extension description found in archive”

I don’t have experience with python but I can read it and mostly understand
Hoping someone has somewhat of an easy way to install the extension without compiling the entire program.
The Developer guide.md has some sort of instructions but pretty hard to decipher what it says exactly.

IE: Modifying an .ini file or running a .bat or .exe file

You can now download Slicer-4.10. For this version, SlicerVirtualReality extension is available in the extension manager.