Low quality MRI images

Hello, I have found some resources on my problem, but no actual solutions.

I got an MRI and I would like to convert my brain into a model I can print. There are a few tutorials, and so far this youtube version is my best one

My problem is only one set of images are clear. When I view the images through the philips dicom viewer provided to me, it’s fine.

But when I view it through 3d slicer half the data is garbage, which prevents me from selecting my brain to turn into a 3d model.

to start off I get the following errors when opening up my files

1: Unnamed Series [Scalar Volume]: Reference image in series does not contain geometry information. Please use caution.

1: 662A78BB2741A01 [Scalar Volume]: Reference image in series does not contain geometry information. Please use caution.

4: MRA 3D TOF [Scalar Volume]: Image slices are not equally spaced (2.39997 spacing was expected, 0.600071 spacing was found between files C:/Users/user/Downloads/Databasemri/dicom/06d1a48e/f0701ac3/7497f1535a96b00d888d1b6e37b893e0.dcm and C:/Users/user/Downloads/Databasemri/dicom/06d1a48e/f0701ac3/09c8d150787d31c770a547524f322802.dcm).  Slicer will apply a transform to this series trying to regularize the volume. Please use caution.

I’m not sure if this is useful, but I’m posting it just in case

After the import I get a lot of data from what I have seen others do, is not typical

That aside, I have one view of clear data, and then the two other views essentially being junk

I have the good data of the other views, 3d slicer just isn’t allowing me to view them at the same time?

Ultimately my question is, is there a way for me to take the good parts of 3 different files to make it into one master file for 3d slicer to use? or is my data more or less junk for what I am trying to accomplish.

These threads should help explain: