I’m trying to include a module where annotators can draw major and minor axes on brain images. I found that the vtkMRMLMarkupsLineNode does just the job. In Slicer 4.11 (not sure about previous versions), there is a table widget (perhaps a QTableView ?) that keeps track of all of the vtkMRMLMarkupsLineNodes (see screenshot below). I’d like to take this widget and import it in my module, but I cannot find it in any parent widget or modules accessible through python.
Ideally, what I would like is to get the different markup buttons (create fiducial, create line, create curve, etc.) as well as the table underneath (with columns Node, Description, Visible, Color). I don’t need to get the collapsable Display or Control Points Widgets.
The table widget is a qMRMLSubjectHierarchyTreeView. The buttons above are just simple QPushButtons. You can open Qt Designer and just drag-and-drop these widgets into your module GUI.
For the future, you can find instructions here how to find implementation of a feature that you see on the Slicer GUI here.