SimpleMarkupsWidget is missing features

I have a SimpleMarkupsWidget in my Python Scripted module, that looks like this:

However, this widget is missing certain features that are important to me, in contrast to the Control Points menu in the Markups module, as show below:

The features that I’m missing are the column with ‘eye’ for visibility and the Description column. Is there a way to add those features to the SimpleMarkupsWidget? Or is there another widget that has those features? (I looked for one in the QT designer but couldn’t find any)

qSimpleMarkupsWidget is intended to be a simplified version of the control point list widget in the Markups module. I agree that since the widget was developed many years ago, many features were added to Markups module that would make sense to expose in a reusable widget. Would you be interested in developing this feature? I’ve added some information about this task here:

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Thanks for the information - I’ll take a look at it, but I’m not sure I have enough time at the moment

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Just chiming in to say that I would also like an updated qSimpleMarkupsWidget that can handle template point lists. I don’t have the knowledge on how to make that happen (or the time currently).

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