MarkupsLine .fcsv loads as MarkupsFiducials

Just made the following thread:

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OK. @pieper and @smrolfe will work on a ‘Export’ fun will likely send a PR somepoint.


ExportAs Subject hierarchy plugin is now available in the SlicerMorph extension. It allows export of non-fiducial Markup nodes to be saved in the lossy fcsv format through right-click context menu.

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I am using the latest preview version 4.11.0-2020-09-08 r29363 / c565268 to mark the anatomies in the 3D views. Among various possible options: annotation, markup, label, I’ve found markups are the closest ones to do so [as the markups can move together with corresponding anatomies in 3D]. But despite having changed default names MarkupsF… on the left panel, the names in 3D do not make corresponding changes. Am I using a wrong function to label structures or is is a glitch with the latest version? By the way, how to remove the cubical box lines and orientation indicators [S, L, I … ; the latter are often irrelevant to ultrasound volume data as we acquire images not in standard CT or MRI ways]. Thanks.

My suspicion is you are using the create MarkupFiducial button, and then rename the resultant node later one, but not the individual fiducial point. The buttons shown below (two small red rectangles) are actually differ in functionality.

In any event, you can rename the individual points within a MarkupFiducial by expanding the Control Points tab, and changing the associated labels.

For SlicerMorph, we have a tutorial on markups (it is more towards landmark data collection), but I think it will be still useful if you are new to Slicer: