Hi! When I input " curveNode = slicer.util.loadMarkupsCurve('some/folder/MarkupsCurve.fcsv')
", I just get makups node. How can I get the markupcurve? Thank you in advance !
And if i use Edoscopy ,I just got this.
Hi! When I input " curveNode = slicer.util.loadMarkupsCurve('some/folder/MarkupsCurve.fcsv')
", I just get makups node. How can I get the markupcurve? Thank you in advance.
Legacy fcsv file format is only for landmark points. You can use the new json-based file format for other markup node types.
A post was merged into an existing topic: MarkupsCurve with Endoscopy error message
Hello ! How can I convert the markupfiducial which I imported from the txt file to the open markups curve?
The code which I convert txt file to the markupfiducial is "markupNode.AddFiducial(*out[:3]) ". Thank you in advance!