Hi all,
I am trying to segment a mitral valve from 3D TEE for reseach purposes and the software seems to not recognize the different axis (axial, sagittal, coronal).
After multiple attempts to restore the Dicom frame in their original axis with SlicerHeart, I found this old topic (Issue With 3D TEE from GE Vivid E95 in 3D Slicer) where the advices were either to install Image3dAPI or check if the Dicom were correctly exported. I exported the DICOM directly from the US system (GE Vivid95) with the only way possible to make sure of the input and I also install Image3dAPI. As I am waiting for the response of the Ge’s team for the license needed to use Image3DAPI, I wanted to make sure that is was due to the fact that the Dicom aren’t in CartesianDicom and that it could be fixed with this extension.
Do you know if it’s possible to convert Ge dicom into cartesian dicom with Image3DAPI or with another sofware in order to extract a .stl fil of a mitral valve?
Thank you in advance for you help !