Hi all, novice in programming so I am learning as I go.
I have a set of CT scans with custom labels and I have figured out how to employ Monai Label to customize the segmentation model but I am having some trouble using CUDA for training. I believe I have a capable GPU (RTX 2070 super), I checked nvidia-smi in terminal and it says CUDA 12.7.
I installed PyTorch 2.3.1 w/ Cuda 11.8 in my python environment before installing monai label with Pip but the monai label install uninstalls torch 2.3.1/cuda11.8 and installs 2.5.1 instead.
I am now training the segmentation model with my dataset but it is using cpu and taking quite a long time.
TLDR: I have CT scans + labels but can’t figure out how properly use monai label with cuda