MonaiLabel and 3D Slicer Image together on one docker.

I am quite new to Monai and Slicer, facing some difficulties here at the moment. I know there is a MonaiLabel docker image, and there is a 3dSlicer docker image. I want to run both of these together on a server and make them communicate or work together.
I have figured the way to run MonaiLabel image and start the server, but cannot find or find a way to start the 3d slicer on the server and then connect it with MonaiLabel.
Question in specific would be, is this possible?
Or how to setup a docker in a such a way that both images (if they exist) load onto the server.

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If you really want two different docker instances to communicate over the a network, it is really more of a docker question, so you may need to ask their support or an appropriate forum. Exposing ports and so forth is very docker-specific. But if you run Slicer inside a docker instance there’s no reason you couldn’t install MONAI Label inside that same instance, just as you would on a desktop or on a virtual machine.

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