Thick slab reconstruction (TSR) can now be enabled and modified from the slice controllers and slice views!
Enabling thick slab reconstruction as well as selection of the composite method (min, max, mean or sum) has been available through the python console.
Now these options are available through both the slice controller and the right-click context menu on the slice views. If the interactive option is selected, the thickness, angle and position of the TSR can be adjusted by moving the slice intersections in the slice views.
Hello, this is a great feature. Is there a way to remove slabs before exporting a snapshot ? It would be really great, since some details can be hided from the slabs
Hi, very useful tool! Thanks.
However, the slab thickness seems to not work correctly on my data. As you can see in the capture below, the two red lines already cover the whole volume, but the MIP image in the Red view does not really show all vessels. If I increase the interval between the two red lines, more vessels will appear on the MIP image. Do you know why? And how to fix it?
Hi Pieper, I just tried on the DZ-MR_1 data in the sample dataset CBCT-MR Head, same problem occurred. In the two captures below, the projection slabes both cover the whole head, but the MIP images are different.
In the two captures above, I expect the two MIPs (in the Red view) to be exactly the same, since in both images the projection slab covers the whole head (the region outside the head has zero or very low value, and will not be projected to the MIPs).