Hello, I have a problem in using Nvidia AI-Assisted Annotation for CT images of the head and neck. I want to segment organs at risk with this extension but if I run, I get errors like this images:
(I’ have installed the 4.11 version of 3D slicer and in using this extension I select clara-pt-brain-mri-segmentation-t1c. I can’t find a model devoted to CT images)
I’m new to 3D slicer software, please guide me. does exist another solution in the AI-assisted method for my application?
Thank you a lot.
I want to segment organs at risk from these CT images, such as left/right eye, lens, optic nerve, optic chiasm, pituitary … overall about 17 structures.
I’m not aware of a publicly available model exist for such a comprehensive segmentation task, but you can ask the MONAI community if they know about something like this or get advice for how to create it yourself.