Does Slicer have information on the origin of the CT-Chest scan in the Sample Data module? The Help & Acknowledgement tab within the Sample Data module mentions where some of the other scans come from, but doesn’t mention anything for the CT-Chest scan. It would be helpful to know where the scan came from, if there’s any basic patient info for the CT-Chest scan, or if this scan has any limitations for use or licensing, etc.
I know this does not fully answer your question but in case it helps: the creators of Slicer never allow adding anything to the application that has any limitation in terms of licensing. So I’d say feel free to use the CT-Chest dataset as you wish.
Data that is released with Slicer is covered by the terms of the Slicer license agreement: Slicer/License.txt at main · Slicer/Slicer · GitHub
Some of the older legacy datasets are completely anonymous and there’s no patient information available. If you want similar CT scans with more context you can look at the Imaging Data Commons: