Overlapped text in Windows 10

I have a new Windows Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10. I have loaded the latest version of slicer 4.7.0. When I import dicom and want to choose the series, the list of patients and the list of series is overlapped and difficult to read.

The Surface Pro is an i7 with 16Gbram , In spite of this Slicer seems to run slower when doing tasks such as crop selection of ROI

Do you have display scaling enabled? If so, this will hopefully be resolved in a few weeks when we move to Qt5.

If you want to make sure the problem is tracked for resolution, please comment on the issue below or open a new issue:


You can also try adjusting row spacing in the widget by clicking on >> button in the menu bar of the wiget and setting Density to Comfortable:


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Bingo! (An english expression - maybe lost on others) Changing the row spacing makes it easier to see.

