Operating system:
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After active in openIGT I connected my MMF succecssfully, but I don’t know how to display in 3d slicer. Just like the picture problem.
Li Zhenzhu
Operating system:
Slicer version:
Expected behavior:
Actual behavior:
You can refer to ProcedureStreamingToSlicer.
Use the OpenIGTLinkIF module within Slicer 4.8.1, add a connector, you’re using the default port 18944 so you don’t need to update that within the module, and then set the status to active. Your live stream will appear as a new volume in the slice views.
To learn how to use Slicer with live image and tracking data, calibrate tools, set up visualization, etc. I would suggest to complete all SlicerIGT tutorials.
I completed the turorials as Lassoan offered, and I have found my problem is I forgeted clicking the “centre key”.
The fourth row of a homogeneous transformation matrix must be kept 0 0 0 1
. To swap axes, you need to swap columns of the matrix.