Problem in computing centerline

I’m trying to create centerline of a shape (the sample cerebral aneurysm in the site and others) I face to the below warning:

Warning: in …\Common\DataModel\vtkPolyData.cxx, line 982
vtkPolyData (0000024c243cd6b0): bulding vtk_line 0 with only one point, but vtk_line needs at least two points. Check the input.

I test with various input models but the results were the same!

Please guide me to resolve it.

Have you tried using VMTK via 3D Slicer’s VMTK extension?

Thank you for your response.
No, I installed the package with name ‘VMTK-1.4.0-Python3.6-Windows-x86_64.exe’ and used it.
I created some screenshots from the procedure and uploaded with this message.

I don’t know what is that package, but you can segment vessels and extract centerline using a convenient GUI in 3D Slicer, using VMTK extension. Short demo:

By using 3D slicer, the problem has been solved.

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