Project Week Starts Tomorrow!

From the NA-MIC Project Week mailing list

Dear members of the Project Week community,

The first virtual edition of Project Week starts on Monday at 12pm EST (GMT-5). If you are receiving this email, you have already registered for the event. You can join using the following zoom link:

Very Important: Please make sure to update the Zoom software installed on your computer to the latest version available before Monday as only this latest version will allow you to freely move between the different breakout rooms.

The zoom session will be open 1 hour before the start of the meeting (at 11am EST) so that you can test your connection and informally socialize in breakout rooms.

How to navigate this virtual project week? The short answer is: connect to Zoom before 12pm EDT on Monday and we’ll tell you everything about it.

In the meantime, you can check out the program on the webpage. Please note: the Google Calendar embedded in the page contains links to the detailed schedule of each session.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!


Simon Drouin and Tina Kapur