Hello everyone, I am really asking for some help here as I am not very familiar with the software.
I am trying to perform texture analysis on tumors in order to quantify their heterogeneity. (4.8.1 version)
I will write down the exact process I am following, so you can make any necessary corrections.
First I go to segment editor. I choose the right volume and then I add my segment. I use the brush to paint the entire tumor. Then I export it and go to heterogeneity CAD.
On input node I add segmentation label.
On label map ROI I add segmentation label.
Then I apply Heterogeneity CAD.
I am concerned that the process I am following is not correct because there are considerable discrepancies when I make repeated measurements of the same tumor. Plus, most of the values in the first order statistics (eg kurtosis, skewness, etc) are 0 , 1 or -3.
Moreover, when I tried to make single slice measurements in fat and muscle, the values were exactly the same.
Please give some advice to resolve this confusion!
Thank you in advance.