Referring to Slicer as a resource in company documentation


I am referring to Slicer as a resource in company documentation and wanted to ensure I am referencing the software correctly. What is the best way to reference Slicer in documentation meant for commercial use?


Hi @Vincent_C -

I think you have a lot of leeway there - of course we appreciate any shout out you want to give, but there’s no obligation. For academic publications that use Slicer, it’s appropriate to cite some of the papers in the methods section.

You can have a look at some example commercial affiliations of Slicer linked from the wiki page to get ideas how various companies approach the issue.

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Hi Steve,

Great thanks for the reply. So mentioning the 3D Slicer name and having the logo appear in some documentation does not require referencing of any sort?

Yes, I think it’s good practice to cite, so people will be able to know for sure what you mean if you use the 3D Slicer logo and name, but no, it’s not strictly required. Just be sure you comply with the slicer license terms, which are pretty permissive.

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