Operating system: windows 10 64 bit
Slicer version: 4.9 nightly
Expected behavior: import .mat file
Actual behavior: doesn’t import
Hi folks,
I have some Ultrasound volume data (video data) saved as .mat files with voxel data type uint8 and respected position in other .mat file; what is the best way to import them into 3D slicer for processing? I convert video data (datavideo_ultrasound) to Dicom images, but I could not import position info to DICOM images. Could you please suggest me some solutions?
It is working properly for one 2d image to load in Slicer. But for 3d image it is not working. I have one ultrasound video (.mat) file. where I generated 278 2d images using the for loop below. therefore I used ‘cat’ for generating 3d image. Then I used nrrdwrite to get nrrd file. but this 3d nrrd is showing nothing in slicer. I have positions of each 2d image, which is Commented in the code. It might work, if I can use position of 2d images for generating nrrd file. Is it possible to use the positions in nrrdwrite?
Thank you very much.
for i=1:278
eval(sprintf(‘A%d = datavideo(:,:,1,i);’, i));
% eval(sprintf(‘position%d = new_psonda(:,:,i);’, i));