I’m dealing with MR DICOM now.
In order to see the screen like the image of the slice obtained from the 3D Slicer as shown in the below picture(fig1.) in Python, I saved it in .nrrd format through the ‘save’ function in the 3d slicer.
Then I looked at the 0th slice using the python code below and it is different(fig3.) from slice in 3D Slicer.
import nrrd
data,_ = nrrd.read('C:/Users/user/Desktop/slicer/602 3D T1
TFE AX F GD.nrrd')
plt.imshow(data.T[0], cmap="gray")
The reason I want to get a slice of the 3D Slicer is that I want to get a slightly tilted volume as shown in fig2.
Thank you for your help in this area.
I’ll admit I don’t really understand the question fully, but I can say that if you are working with RT struct datasets I suggest using the SlicerRT extension for 3D Slicer. This will handle the coordinate systems between contours and reference images according to the standard. You should also be able to convert and resample the underlying data using python. Hope that helps!