RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ImageSeriesReader_Execute: D:\D\P\S-0-build\ITK\Modules\IO\GDCM\src\itkGDCMImageIO.cxx:462: ITK ERROR: GDCMImageIO(00000285738E9DB0): Cannot read requested file

call for help. :sweat_smile:

I’m trying to use pet-must-segmenter, when I click perform segmentation, I got errors like below

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Users/DEX/AppData/Local/”, line 236, in onSegmentationButton
self.segmentationLogic.performSegmentation(self.organSegments, self.segmentationMethods, self.suvPerRoi,
File “C:/Users/DEX/AppData/Local/”, line 474, in performSegmentation
suvMap, isEstimated = self.computeSuvMap(petImageFileList)
File “C:/Users/DEX/AppData/Local/”, line 1079, in computeSuvMap
image, imageArray = self.readDicomSeriesFiles(imageFileList)
File “C:/Users/DEX/AppData/Local/”, line 1067, in readDicomSeriesFiles
image = reader.Execute()
File “C:\Users\DEX\AppData\Local\\Slicer\lib\Python\Lib\site-packages\SimpleITK\”, line 6195, in Execute
return _SimpleITK.ImageSeriesReader_Execute(self)
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ImageSeriesReader_Execute: D:\D\P\S-0-build\ITK\Modules\IO\GDCM\src\itkGDCMImageIO.cxx:462:
ITK ERROR: GDCMImageIO(00000285738E9DB0): Cannot read requested file

how does this happen? I even cannot find the path and file “D:\D\P\S-0-build\ITK\Modules\IO\GDCM\src\itkGDCMImageIO.cxx”

I have tried to reinstall the software and modules, replace computers, it will be ok on my mate’s computer.

try disable anti-virus if u have any. reinstall ITK using pip. Libararies and your pyhton requisites may not be match please check them.
Good Luck

thank you for your help.

I used the sample data downloaded from github, after trying for one week, finally, I found the sample date does not work on my computer :skull:. I try some other data, the module works well and I do not want to tangle with the sample data any more.

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