Saving a segmentation and input volume in one file

Operating system: Windows 10
Slicer version: 4.11.20200930


I uploaded a CT dicom image set into Slicer and segmented a region of interest. Now, I would like to save both my input volume and segmentation into a single file (preferably .nrrd). Is there a way I am able to do this?

I have attempted to export my segmentation as a labelmap; however, this only saves the segmentation without the CT dicoms. I need the 3D CT volume with the segmentation included as my label.

My end goal is to use these .nrrd files as inputs for a deep learning model that requires labelled image sets.


I uploaded a CT dicom image set into Slicer and segmented a region of interest. Now, I would like to save both my input volume and segmentation into a single file (preferably .nrrd). Is there a way I am able to do this?

I have attempted to export my segmentation as a labelmap; however, this only saves the segmentation without the CT dicoms. I need the 3D CT volume with the segmentation included as my label.

My end goal is to use these .nrrd files as inputs for a deep learning model that requires labelled image sets.


Normally you save the input CT volume and the segmentation as separate files - see all the deep learning data sets that you can find online. This makes sense because the scalar type of the volumes are often different (16-bit for CT, 8-bit for labelmap), the entropy of a CT and a labelmap is vastly different, so you can compress them better if you store them as two separate files, the correspondence between a CT and segmentation is not always 1-to-1 (there can be several segmentations for a CT, for example, by different experts), etc.

To package mrml, ct.nrrd and segmentation.nrrd into one MRB file you can click this symbol:
