Saving DICOM format

I need to segment CT images for include such images in TOMO_MC program to dosimetric simulating in MCNP .
The TOMO_MC program only accept bitmap files.
I think save the segmented images in DICOM format to convert in .bmp extensions, but i cant save segmented images in DICOM format.
It is necessary any extension : slicerRT or quantitativereporting ?

Do you need to save the segmentation in DICOM Segmentation Object, DICOM RT structure set, or .bmp file format?

I need save in .bmp.
The file must be contain the segmented slices.

I need the images to be in .bmp file format but if it’s difficult it can also be in dicom format as long as they contain the segmentation, then I can transform them into .bmp by another program, but the ideal is that they are in .bmp

I would recommend to submit a feature request to the developers of TOMOT_MC to add support for more commonly used image formats (such as jpg or png).

In the meantime, you can save a segmentation or a volume in bmp file format as shown in this example. If you want to save the image in native resolution then you can get the voxels as numpy array using slicer.util.arrayFromVolume or slicer.util.arrayFromSegmentBinaryLabelmap.

I managed to save the segmented images in dicom format using the SlicerRT extension.
I followed as recommended by Gowtham P in this forum:
Right Click the segmentation node on Data Manager → Export visible segments to Binary Labelmap
A new segmentation label will be created, if you right-click that you will get the option to export to DICOM, where you can add details and export your segment as a DICOM series.
Need to choose RT in “select export type” item.
Thank you very much!