Segment Editor Effect button size consistency

Here’s an image of the Segment Effects part of qMRMLSegmentEditorWidget with vertical orientation of effect groupbox. Effects fill into a QGridLayout instead of a ctkFlowlayout and fill in the grid in order from top to bottom utilizing 2 columns always. This is so effects at the beginning of the effect ordered list are at the top. Effects at the very end of the list are always near the bottom of the 2 columns. Also a reminder that since more things no longer need a scrollbar to see (masking options), this means the width of the left side bar area is a little bit wider to accommodate the 2 columns. This makes the decision to prioritize not having to scroll over trying to maintain a slightly smaller left side panel width.

If the window is small, you have to scroll down to see more effects, just like you would have to scroll to see more of the effects. I think this behavior is fine considering it is part of qMRMLSegmentEditorWidget object.

Previously mentioned:

This would seem that the QGroupBox that currently has the title “Effects” should be changed to “Tools”. Should we begin referring to these as “Segment Editor Tools” to improve user understanding by using familiar terminology?