Operating system: Windows 11
Slicer version: Slicer 5.6.2
Expected behavior: In “Segment Editor, Erase, Sphere Brush, Edit in 3D views”, the Sphere Brush is silver while erasing.
Actual behavior: The silver Sphere Brush turns from silver to yellow. What does this mean?
Are you experiencing some kind of a bug or error in how the tool works?
No, the tool seems to work fine. When I usually use the Sphere Brush in Edit in 3D, the sphere remains white. About 1% of the time, the sphere turns yellow during the erase. The erase function still works. I was wondering what the yellow change means as I could find no mention of a yellow sphere brush in the 3DSlicer documentation.
Interesting question. I just tried the tool to see what are the colors, and for me the sphere is white until there is no editing (no mouse button is pressed), and turns yellow when there is editing (mouse down). So what you explain is different. Do you see this difference with the latest preview version? If so, can you post a video?
Also please let us know if you notice any behavior that affects functionality in an adverse way. Thanks!