Operating system: Windows 10
Slicer version: 4.1120200903
Expected behavior: segmentation
Actual behavior:
I have a CT scan with contrast. The scanning has been performed as a bolus tracking scan to maximize interaterial contrast. I want to segment bones, aterial vessels and kidneys in the abdominal region.
I start with defining one segment R_kidney. I then use segmentation = (threshold, smooting and keep largest part) to isolate the above organs. I the define a new box segment around the kidney using scissors. I the try to use logical operation intersect to select the kidney. But this operation just cuts out the kidney or actual the whole box area of the R_kidney. My next approach was to use the scissors to cut out the R_kidney. Then I define the L_kidney segment and do the above segmentation again. But when I cut out the left kidney, the R_kidney segment is also cleared.
Next approach was to do each segment once at at time and the convert into volumes. I the succeded to create R_kidney, L_kidney and bone. I now want to subtract theese volumes from the last segment aterial vessels, to get the vessels only. But I cannot select the volumes in the logical operations?
So my question is how can I do this? And I suspect there must be an easier way to do this than my somewhat cumbersome method above? I would love to hear suggestions.