Operating system: Windows 10
Slicer version: 4.10.1
As I was trying to understand the parameters (especially the shell thickness) of the HollowEffect. I created a cube of 7x7x7 and applied the effect with a 3x3x3 kern size (2-4 mm). I am sure that the kern size is the smallest one, but the result had a thickness of 1 pixel (1 mm and not 2-4 mm). and as well if I determine the shell thickness between 4 and 6 mm, I get a cube with a thickness of 2 mm (2 pixels).
I am useing a segment’s spacing of 1 mm per pixel.
may I politely say that maybe the “shellThicknessMm” should be by 2 divided, if it’s not the case, could you please explain the results to me.
I am thankful for your answer