Setting of MarkerStyle does NOT work!

I do have a NVIDIA Quadro P5000.
It seems no problem for re-setting SLICER_OPENGL_PROFILE as core.

I was mis-led by a pixel-spacing setting, which I was trying to figure out what happens but failed.
You see, now I have an image which has a pixel-spacing 15nm (that means, 1.5e-5mm). I load this image to Slicer and it seems fine. But the mouse-scroll to change slices along views does not work (slower than usual, the slice-bar on the top of each view work fine though). So I try to put a fake pixel-spacing value as 1.5mm or even 0.015mm, it works fine to middle-mouse-button-scroll to browse slices along views.
This is what I was trying to ask you expertise to figure out in my next question. This issue may be reproduced by yourself , trying to use that famous MRHead image, if you set image pixel spacing as 0.001mm, it’s fine. but if you set image pixel spacing as 0.0001 mm, then you try mouse-scrolling where you may see my issue.

Thanks a lot again.

PS: I guess it’s better for me to open a new topic here: View displays lag if pixel-spacing is small.