I created a segment, and I confirmed its master representation is Binary labelmap.
I then created surface by pushing the button “Create surface” in Segment Editor. I noticed that having a 3D surface rendered while performing editing in-slice leads to a noticeable slow-down of editor interactions, so I was looking for an option to disable surface rendering in 3D view, but I could not find this option.
I can un-click “Create surface” button (as aside, it is somewhat non-intuitive to me that “create” button acts as a checkbox) - the surface is gone from 3D view, but apparently it is also deleted and if I click “Create surface” it is being re-generated, since there is a noticeable delay.
The “eye” button in the segments list disables both segment overlay in slice and its rendering in 3d view. If mouse over the “eye” I see some mention of advanced visibility options, but long press does not trigger any such options (or maybe I need to press in some specific location of the button? there is no hint in its appearance about the advanced capability).
As a suggestion:
- I think “Create surface” should not be checkable, or if it stays checkable, its title should change to something else other than “Create surface” after surface has been created (“Delete surface”?)
- I think it would be helpful to be able to control visibility of the segment surface in 3d view without having to delete the surface.
- Tooltip for the eye icon in the segments list appears to be inconsistent with the actual behavior.
Tested with the latest available nightly of Slicer on mac - Aug 1.