Hi, I have saved bounding box coordinates in an .obj file and i am able to load it in slicer and visualize it correctly. I also have a .mtl file that contains the box color information; however, every time i load up the .obj file, it only shows up in yellow color box. I am not sure if i am specifying the color parameter in the .mtl file correctly. This is what i have in the 6b.nii.obj file:
mtllib 6b.nii.mtl
v 240.0158052444458 92.24226522445679 -170.0
v 240.0158052444458 78.96100568771362 -170.0
v 226.73454570770264 78.96100568771362 -170.0
v 226.73454570770264 92.24226522445679 -170.0
v 240.0158052444458 92.24226522445679 -190.0
v 240.0158052444458 78.96100568771362 -190.0
v 226.73454570770264 78.96100568771362 -190.0
v 226.73454570770264 92.24226522445679 -190.0
usemtl bbox
f 1 2 3 4
f 5 8 7 6
f 1 5 6 2
f 2 6 7 3
f 3 7 8 4
f 5 1 4 8
This is what i have in the 6b.nii.mtl file
newmtl bbox
Ka 0 0 0
Kd 0.0 1.0 0.0
Ks 0 0 0
Ns 3
Tr 1
illum 3
Any help is greatly appreciated. Also, is there a way to specify line-width in the .mtl file ? Please let me know. Thank you!