Slicer installation on Mac using homebrew

Yes, that looks good. However, I think we also need to check whether a PR has already been sent with a call to cask-repair. Otherwise it will continue to create PRs until the first is accepted. What about keeping a local copy with info about the last repair?

# Get revision associated with the last requested update
last_requested_revision=`cat $revision_path`

[[ -z $last_requested_revision ]] && echo "Failed to extract revision from $revision_path" && exit 1

# Get revision associated with the last macosx package
package_info=$(curl --progress-bar "")

version=$(echo $package_info | python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["version"])') && \
revision=$(echo $package_info | python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["revision"])') && \
bitstream_id=$(echo $package_info | python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["download_url"])' | cut -d"/" -f3)

[[ -z $revision ]] && echo "Failed to extract revision from Slicer package info" && exit 1

# If both revision match, we are all set
if [[ $last_requested_revision ==  $revision ]]; then
  exit 0

cask-repair --cask-version $version.$revision,$bitstream_id --fail-on-error --blind-submit slicer-nightly

echo $revision > $revision_path

P.S.: sometimes the bitstream ID changes and not the revision number. Why is that?