Slicer splits MRI into many different volumes: imageOrientationPatient #1-6

Hi all,

a lot of the MRIs I’m working on when loaded into 3d slicer split into multiple patient orientations. How can I modify settings to actually important as one big volume? I have searched this forum but haven’t encountered a solution. I tried DICOM patcher, and adjusting the settings in preferences (settings in Windows) for DICOM import, but nothing works.

I posted before about this topic before and ended up using Stitch Volumes but what I am finding is that stitching volumes does not always produce a great reconstruction when the MRI is split into 5+ volumes and I would prefer to address the problem when importing…

Thank you in advance

That’s really more of a property of how your images were acquired. If you load them you can look at their orientations - probably they don’t form a coherent volume.

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Thank you for your comment, this actually solved my problem. I realized I needed to find a way to align/orient them coherently before attempting to do a stitch. It’s improved the yielded volume massively.