slicer.util.MRMLNodeNotFoundException Error

Hi there. So I’ve been trying to run a one of the simple filters on my scans, that one being the “RichardsonLucyDeconvolutionImageFilter”. However, whenever I attempt to run this (or any other Simple Filter) I am hit with an error saying ‘slicer.util.MRMLNodeNotFoundException’. I found a previous post regarding this error (slicer.util.MRMLNodeNotFoundException: could not find nodes in the scene by name or id '' error) and attempted to follow the instructions for a fix but, given my limited understanding of coding in general, I’m not sure if it didn’t work because I did it wrong or because the fix is now outdated. Does anyone know what is causing this error and how to fix it? Thanks!

The error is because you used a node name in the getNode thay does not exist. You can see what nodes are available in Data module.

If all you want to do is trying ITK image processing filters, such as RichardsonLucyDeconvolutionImageFilter, thrn you don’t need any Pyrhon scripting, but you can use the graphical user interface in Simple Filters module.