Hi there,
I’ve been able to create a Python extension that loops automatically uses Auto3DSeg to automatically segments multiple .nrrd files sequentially.
I do notice that the turnround time can be long (~ 1.5 minute per 3D dataset on CPU, 10-20 seconds with GPU) and most of the time is spend initializing the interference script as opposed to epochs themselves.
Is there a way for the Auto3DSeg inference script to allow for batch process of multiple 3D .nrrd files? I’ve tried to modify the script (see failed example below) to introduce multiple volume into the script, however it keeps recognizing them as a series of 2D files so it doesn’t work. Appreciate any advice!
import os
import numpy as np
import fire
import time
import torch
from collections import OrderedDict
import nrrd
from monai.bundle import ConfigParser
from monai.data import decollate_batch, list_data_collate
from monai.utils import convert_to_dst_type, MetaKeys
from monai.inferers import SlidingWindowInfererAdapt
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast
from monai.transforms import (
def logits2pred(logits, sigmoid=False, dim=1):
if isinstance(logits, (list, tuple)):
logits = logits[0]
if sigmoid:
pred = torch.sigmoid(logits)
pred = (pred >= 0.5).to(dtype=torch.uint8)
pred = torch.softmax(logits, dim=dim)
pred = torch.argmax(pred, dim=dim, keepdim=True).to(dtype=torch.uint8)
return pred
def main(model_file, image_files, result_dir, **kwargs):
Perform sequential inference for multiple `.nrrd` files.
model_file: Path to the trained model.
image_files: Comma-separated list of `.nrrd` input files.
result_dir: Directory to save segmentation results.
start_time = time.time()
# Parse and validate inputs
if not os.path.exists(model_file):
raise ValueError(f"Model file does not exist: {model_file}")
if isinstance(image_files, str):
image_files = image_files.split(",") # Parse the comma-separated input list
for file in image_files:
if not os.path.exists(file):
raise ValueError(f"Input file does not exist: {file}")
os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Load model
checkpoint = torch.load(model_file, map_location="cpu")
if "config" not in checkpoint:
raise ValueError(f"Config not found in checkpoint: {model_file}")
config = checkpoint["config"]
state_dict = checkpoint["state_dict"]
model = ConfigParser(config["network"]).get_parsed_content()
model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True)
print(f'Model epoch: {checkpoint.get("epoch", 0)}')
print(f'Model metric: {checkpoint.get("best_metric", 0)}')
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = model.to(device=device, memory_format=torch.channels_last_3d)
# Preprocessing transforms
transforms = Compose([
LoadImaged(keys="image", ensure_channel_first=True, allow_missing_keys=True),
EnsureTyped(keys="image", data_type="tensor", dtype=torch.float, allow_missing_keys=True),
Orientationd(keys="image", axcodes="RAS"),
CropForegroundd(keys="image", source_key="image", margin=10, allow_smaller=True),
_add_normalization_transforms(transforms, "image", config["normalize_mode"], config["intensity_bounds"])
inf_transform = Compose(transforms)
# Sliding window inferer
roi_size = config["roi_size"]
sliding_inferrer = SlidingWindowInfererAdapt(
roi_size=roi_size, sw_batch_size=1, overlap=0.625, mode="gaussian"
# Process each file sequentially
for image_file in image_files:
print(f"Processing {image_file}...")
# Preprocess image
data_dict = inf_transform({"image": image_file})
# Debugging: Log tensor shape and ROI size
print(f"Input tensor shape before inference: {data_dict['image'].shape}")
print(f"Configured ROI size: {roi_size}")
# Prepare data for inference
data = data_dict["image"].to(device=device, memory_format=torch.channels_last_3d)
# Inference
with autocast(enabled=True):
logits = sliding_inferrer(inputs=data, network=model)
pred = logits2pred(logits, sigmoid=config.get("sigmoid", False))
# Post-process predictions
post_transforms = Compose([
Invertd(keys="pred", orig_keys="image", transform=inf_transform, nearest_interp=True),
data_dict["pred"] = convert_to_dst_type(pred, data_dict["image"], dtype=torch.uint8)
seg = data_dict["pred"].cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
# Save segmentation result
output_file = os.path.join(result_dir, os.path.basename(image_file).replace(".nrrd", "_seg.nrrd"))
nrrd_header = nrrd.read_header(image_file)
nrrd.write(output_file, seg, nrrd_header)
print(f"Saved segmentation to {output_file}")
print("Sequential inference completed.")
print(f"Total computation time: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds")
def _add_normalization_transforms(transforms, key, normalize_mode, intensity_bounds):
if normalize_mode == "none":
elif normalize_mode in ["range", "ct"]:
transforms.transforms.append(ScaleIntensityRanged(keys=key, a_min=intensity_bounds[0], a_max=intensity_bounds[1],
b_min=-1, b_max=1, clip=False))
elif normalize_mode in ["meanstd", "mri"]:
transforms.transforms.append(NormalizeIntensityd(keys=key, nonzero=True, channel_wise=True))
elif normalize_mode in ["meanstdtanh"]:
transforms.transforms.append(NormalizeIntensityd(keys=key, nonzero=True, channel_wise=True))
transforms.transforms.append(Lambdad(keys=key, func=lambda x: 3 * torch.tanh(x / 3)))
elif normalize_mode in ["pet"]:
transforms.transforms.append(Lambdad(keys=key, func=lambda x: torch.sigmoid((x - x.min()) / x.std())))
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported normalize_mode: {normalize_mode}")
if __name__ == "__main__":