The Problem of Communication with Unity using openIGTLink

i want to using Slicer to communication Unity with OpenIGTLink
I have read the code of ARInSlicer and learned how to transform TransformNode and 2DTexture from Slicer to Unity ,is there any way to Transform PolyData from Slicer to Unity?

Slicer can already send polydata via OpenIGTLink, so all you need to do is to implement receiving of this message type in Unity and building of a mesh object from the received information.

After you implement this (maybe by extending GitHub - BSEL-UC3M/HoloLens2and3DSlicer-PedicleScrewPlacementPlanning: GitHub repository for the IJCARS paper: "Real-Time open-source integration between Microsoft HoloLens 2 and 3D Slicer"), please share it with the community, as probably other groups would find it useful, too.