Total Segmentator 1 - heartchambers highres

Hi ! I’m having trouble with the total segmentator 1, I installed the github, but when I run the heartchambers option, this sign appears:


Do I need to install anything more? Does it happened to any of you? Many thanks for your insight, Mercedes.-

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On the GitHub:

The following tasks are freely available only for non-commercial usage (all other tasks can also be used commercially): appendicular_bones , tissue_types , face , heartchambers_highres

Apply for a license, they are easy to get for noncommercial use.
Then install 3D Slicer 5.5.0 and the TotalSegmentator v2 extension and feed the license into the program.
Let us hear how that goes.

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Ok, thank you ! I didn’t know that. Can you guide me on that? I googled a bit but found no solution. Many thanks, Mercedes

Sure, you can apply for free academic licenses here.

Hi @Investigacion_y_des1,

Could you provide a bit more context for this? Are you planning to get an annotated dataset? or you already have some annotations.

In any case, have you considered training an AI model for this specific task using MONAI Label?

It is an open-source project and it is part of the MONAI consortium. Here I showed how to organize the dataset and train a model:

Let us know