TotalSegmentator Errors on Mac "...non-zero exit status 1" then "Application is required"

Hello, what is the process for using the TotalSegmentator module on a Mac?
Operating System: macOS Monterey Version 12.1
Slicer Version: 5.6.2

I tried installing PyTorch and TotalSegmentator normally. Then I uninstalled both and tried installing PyTorch with CPU (using the application and through typing into the terminal), then installing TotalSegmentator. In between each step of installing extensions, I restarted Slicer as well. At first, the error I was getting was “…non-zero exit status 1” (see image below),

then after uninstalling everything (including the application) and trying to install it after downloading Git, it still did not work but I am getting an error that the TotalSegmentator “Application is required”, even though I can see it is installed in my extension manager and restarted Slicer.

I followed the normal installation steps on my Windows PC and had no problems, but on Mac, it won’t work. Thank you for your help!

I figured out that the second error is due to not fully uninstalling the previous instance of Slicer, but the first error is still occurring.

The macOS issue is fixed now. TotalSegmentator will work again in Slicer Preview Releases from tomorrow.