Trouble importing DICOM files

Dear all,

I have been trying to import a DICOM folder with more than 1K frames of the heart. In particular, I’d like to import a series of frames with the three different orientations so that once I open them in 3DSlicer, I can see the three views at the same time (as done in the video tutorial on Youtube about heart segmentation). However, I can only see one group at the time, the software does not see the frames as a unique database. I already tried what suggested in other topics, such as drag and drop in the main window, import as any data, deselect “single file” and so on, but I didn’t succeed. Thus, when I try to segment it, I can only select one volume at the time.
Could anyone help me with this? I’d really appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you,

What is the image modality (CT, US, or MRI) and dimensionality (2D+time, 3D, 3D+time)? How did you create the DICOM files?

Thank you for your reply.
They are images from MRI in 2D, with some including time. I was given the files, I didn’t create them.

If you have 2D slices in 3 different orientations then you need to load all of them and then show a different image in each slice view (click the pushpin icon in the top-left corner of the slice view to see the image selector widget). You may also want to rotate the view to match the slice orientation, by clicking the small double-arrow button in the slice view controller, and then pressing the “Rotate to volume plane” button. See details here: Read Prostate MR image failed

Yes, I managed to do that. However, as I am trying to do the same that was performed in the youtube video “Whole heart segmentation from cardiac CT in 10 minutes”, when I go to crop volume, I can’t select all the three views together. As input volume in IO, I can only select one slice view at the time . I suppose the volumes are not merged together, but can’t figure out how to do that. Would you have any suggestions? Or am I missing something?

Thanks for your help,

Would you like to segment 3 orthogonal slices? To segment 3D structures, you would need a 3D volume.

Yes, that is what I want to do. I understand now.
And is there any way to combine the different segmentations from the 2D slices to increase accuracy? Because if I use one view at the time, the 3D model looks pretty bad. I would like to somehow combine the informations coming from the different orientations to get a better final results.

This is a fairly common issue with MRI acquisitions. See discussions here: 3D model from dicoms