Trouble loading vff file

When I try to import my vff file into 3D slicer, I get the following error message:

  • LoadVffFile: The values for the origin must each be greater than or equal to 0.
  • LoadVffFile: Incorrect parameters or required parameters that were not set, vff file failed to load. The required parameters are: rank, type, format, bits, bands, size, spacing, origin, rawsize, data scale, data offset, and title.
  • Warning: In C:\D\N\S462-E-b\SlicerRT\VffFileReader\Logic\vtkSlicerVffFileReaderLogic.cxx, line 104
  • vtkSlicerVffFileReaderLogic (000001E09458D120): ReadVffFileHeader: Nothing follows the equal sign in header item: ‘batch’
  • Warning: In C:\D\N\S462-E-b\SlicerRT\VffFileReader\Logic\vtkSlicerVffFileReaderLogic.cxx, line 104
  • vtkSlicerVffFileReaderLogic (000001E09458D120): ReadVffFileHeader: Nothing follows the equal sign in header item: ‘gel’
  • Warning: In C:\D\N\S462-E-b\SlicerRT\VffFileReader\Logic\vtkSlicerVffFileReaderLogic.cxx, line 104
  • vtkSlicerVffFileReaderLogic (000001E09458D120): ReadVffFileHeader: Nothing follows the equal sign in header item: ‘modification_history’

In order to resolve these errors, I got rid of the headers (batch, gel, and history) and manually put the origin to 0 0 0 since in the original vff file, the origin was -79.75 -79.75 -79.75. However, when I do this, I get the following error message:

  • LoadVffFile: The end of the file was reached earlier than specified.

And my vff file looks like the below image, which is not what it’s supposed to look like.

I’ve also tried setting the origin to 79.75 79.75 79.75 and got the same result.

I think you use an old version of Slicer, because I fixed this error in January, see

Please update to the latest version and try again. Let is know how it goes.

Yes, I’m using an older version of Slicer because when I use the latest version, I am unable to perform registration. I’ve also posted a link about this.

The link you posted seems to be the VFF file loading issue, which has been fixed.

If your main problem now is about registration, please let us know about that in a different thread.

It seems like I posted the incorrect link.
I’ve already posted on the forum regarding the errors I’ve been having when performing registration here