A problem I’m having is saving scenes after setting up a resection plane - I believe the resection data is saved as a .fcsv file, and when I attempt to save the scene I have the follow message:
bool __cdecl qSlicerCoreIOManager::saveNodes(class QString,const class QMap<class QString,class QVariant> &,class vtkMRMLMessageCollection *,class vtkMRMLScene *) error: No writer found to write file “C:/Users/tvasurg001/Desktop/testAI/cases/081-090/081_7341961/test/LiverResection.fcsv” of type “LiverResectionFile”
void __cdecl
qSlicerSaveDataDialogPrivate::updateStatusIconFromMessageCollection(int,class vtkMRMLMessageCollection *,bool) Data save error: “Error: Cannot write data file: C:/Users/tvasurg001/Desktop/testAI/cases/081-090/081_7341961/test/LiverResection.fcsv.\n”
I’m trying to troubleshoot in finding a ‘writer’ for .fcsv file - is there an extension I should be importing to make this work?
This is with 3Dslicer 5.6.2, on a Windows 10 machine.
Thanks so much Andras. I’m just wondering if there’s anything I need for the fcsv saving to happen - the error message seems to suggest that I don’t have the appropriate ‘writer’ to write the file…
FCSV file format is a simple table-based, which cannot save the more complex data structures used by more recent markup nodes. If you are only interested in control point positions then you can export the control point coordinates to a table and save those in CSV format. Or you can create a new writer in Python that can save any data in any format you need.
Thanks Andras - sorry for being unclear, but I think all I’m aiming for is just to save the scene w/o errors
The situation at the moment is the fcsv file can’t be saved, and as a result I can’t save the resection plane to the scene. I’ve tried saving the scene as a ‘bundle’, but it seems to always crash upon opening…
I propose we remove the fcsv as file saving option for Markups, and make it available only as Export As subject hierarchy plug in for some amount of time. For people who need their data as tables, there is already an export option from the Markups module.