I’m using the VMTK VesselnessFilter to find my vessels in a T1ce image. I did this manually in 3DSlicer with no issues.
However, I’m seeing that I get better results when I select a seedpoint to determine the min/max vessel diameter.
Now I’d like to implement the same process in python/JupyterNotebooks.
I have a working piece of code that finds the vesselness, but can’t seem to figure out how to manually add a seedpoint.
Here is the code:
#Push input volume to node
InputVolumeNode = su.PushVolumeToSlicer(t1ce_brain)dim_in = t1ce_brain.GetSize()
spacing_in = t1ce_brain.GetSpacing()#Create output volume with same dim and spacing of InputVolume
OutputNode = createEmptyVolume(dim_in, spacing_in, ‘VesselnessFiltered’) # invoke function#create vesselness filtering logic
vfl = VesselnessFiltering.VesselnessFilteringLogic()
#Select seed to determine min/max vessel diameter
#compute VesselnessFiltering
vfl.computeVesselnessVolume(InputVolumeNode, OutputNode, minimumDiameterMm=1, maximumDiameterMm=6, alpha=0.3, beta=0.3, contrastMeasure=130)
I can see that I can set the minimum/maximumDiameter inside the computeVesselnessVolume function, but I’m not sure how to find these automatically by setting a seedpoint (Fiducials.
I was looking through SlicerExtension-VMTK/VesselnessFiltering/VesselnessFiltering.py at master · vmtk/SlicerExtension-VMTK · GitHub for hints, but this seems to be the code to select this point within the GUI node.
#Select seed to determine min/max vessel diameter
gives the error
AttributeError: ‘VesselnessFilteringLogic’ object has no attribute ‘seedFiducialsNodeSelector’
so I’m clearly not on the right path. How can I select this seedpoint in python?
Thanks for any help!