When I try to set a vector image as a background volume and a scalar image as as a background volume, I get this error and slice view is messed up:
[VTK] The first input can have a maximum of four components
The other way around works fine:
When I try to set a vector image as a background volume and a scalar image as as a background volume, I get this error and slice view is messed up:
[VTK] The first input can have a maximum of four components
The other way around works fine:
Looking at this thread, this appears to be a know issue:
In that case, is there a way to convert RGBA image into RGB in Slicer?
With a couple lines of python you can strip away the alpha channel and then make a new volume. I don’t think we have a module that does it though.
I actually managed that last night, but that turned out to be a dead end too.
It appears I cannot use the transparency and overlays with RGB images in slice views (I presume due to lack of alpha channel, unless it is a bug).
Color image rendering hasn’t been much of a priority, but yes, it should be possible to fix the pipelines if someone is able to dig into it.