what algorithm is 3Dslicer's Add Scalar Volumes module based on for image fusion?

I have a question for everyone
what algorithm is 3Dslicer’s Add Scalar Volumes module based on for image fusion?

The code for the module can be found here:
Slicer/AddScalarVolumes.cxx at fd7b4f3cceba976aabeb2e1cdda9ecc685fc0c64 · Slicer/Slicer · GitHub.

It uses an ITK filter to add the images. The specific ITK filter used is the ConstrainedValueAdditionImageFilter.

Thank you for your timely answer, your answer solved the problem I encountered during the research.
In addition, can I extract features in the image of PET and CT fusion, is this feasible in research?
Looking forward to your reply!

For PET/CT feature extraction, I think the starting point would by SlicerRadiomics / pyradiomics. It should be available in the current preview build (except for macOS).

sorry, maybe I didn’t make the question clear, I mean can I extract features separately in the three images of PET, CT, PET/CT fusion images?
Looking forward to your reply!