What is the unzip password of StealthLink.zip?

How to get the decompression password of this compressed package

I can provide you the password after getting confirmation that you already have the StealthLink SDK from Medtronic. Without a valid StealthLink license you could not use the interface anyway. We can discuss this further in private messages (you can send a private message by click on a member’s name and then click the Message button).

Thank you very much for your reply,Mr.Lasso. I don’t have a valid SDK yet. I’m not sure if our S7 can use it to connect with Slicer.

StealthLink interface on StealthStation is disabled by default. You need to set up a research agreement with Medtronic, get the StealthLink license, and have it set up on your system.

Hi Andras,

came across this thread. I can confirm a valid StealthLink License with Medtronic and am in need of the PLUS password. Is this something you could provide?

@wRossw I’ll write you in private.