White sphere in center of 3d view

slicer version 4.10.1 (issue only happens with slicelet)
Hi, whenever i run this slicelet i get a white sphere at the center of the 3d view, it is small but interferes with small models, is there any way to get rid of it? (Ps: this issue is solved in nightly but i prefer keeping 4.10.1 for my project) , thanks for any inputs.

Slicelet :

import qt
import __main__

mainWidget = qt.QWidget()
vlayout = qt.QVBoxLayout()

layoutManager = slicer.qMRMLLayoutWidget()


__main__.mainWidget = mainWidget

We deliver fixes and improvements in preview releases and only fix selected high-priority issues in the latest stable release.

Since 4.10.1 is not the latest stable (that is 4.10.2), presence of a very small sphere is not a serious issue, we don’t plan to release a 4.10.x patch release, and the problem does not exist in latest preview release, it is unlikely that anyone could take the time to investigate this.

I would recommend to use latest stable or preview release.

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